What Does a Software Engineer Do?

Updated 12 August 2023

Software engineers design, develop, test and maintain computer systems and applications to solve real-world problems.

An individual coding at their desk with laptop on the left and two monitors on the right.

Software engineering might be the one for you if you enjoy:

  • Solving problems
  • Thinking analytically
  • Translating complex ideas into functional, intuitive, user-friendly software products
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams, such as, designers, product managers and quality assurance professionals.

What is software engineering?

Software engineering is the branch of computer science that deals with the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software applications. Software engineers apply engineering principles and knowledge of programming languages to build software solutions for end users.

How is software engineering different to web development?

Increasing, the differences are becoming more blurred. When looking at job titles, it is more common for the term "Software Engineer" to be used in the UK, US and Australia. Whereas the term "Web Developer" tend to be used more in Eastern Europe and South America.

Originally, software engineers, or software developers, might have worked much closer to computers hardwares than web developers. For example, you might find them designing programs for computers as opposed to websites and web-based applications that fell more into the buckets of web developers.

However, with the development of how we are interacting with computers and the internet, the lines have become much blurrer.

CoursePilot recommendation:

If you are faced with the decisions of whether to choose a course in software engineering or a course in web development, we would recommend the former as it should open you up to more job opportunities.

Core Tasks and Resposibilities

Some of the day-to-day tasks and responsibilties of a software engineer might include:

  • Planning out the overall structure, components, and interfaces of the system or application. This stage involves making informed decisions about technologies and frameworks.
  • Writing and reviewing the code.
  • Rigorously testing the code to ensure software reliability. This includes developing and implementing test cases, identifying and resolving bugs and issues that arise during testing.
  • Presenting to and consulting with key stakeholders, making any relevant changes.
  • Optimising speed, security and scalability of the code.
  • Deploying, monitoring and maintaining the code.

Frontend vs Backend Development

Software Engineering encompasses knowledge of both frontend and backend development.

Frontend Development

Frontend development focuses on the visual and interactive part of software applications that users see and engage with. If you're working on the frontend, it means you are responsible for translating design concepts into code and ensuring that the user interface is intuitive, responsive, and visually appealing.

Key aspects of frontend development include:

  • User Interface (UI) Design: Collaborating with designers to implement visual elements, layouts, and user interactions.
  • Web Technologies: Utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to structure content, style elements, and add interactivity.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring that applications work seamlessly on various devices and screen sizes.
  • Accessibility: Implementing features that make applications usable for individuals with disabilities.
  • Performance Optimization: Optimizing the frontend for fast load times and smooth interactions.

Backend Development

Backend development takes care of the behind-the-scenes operations that make applications function smoothly. Backend developers work with databases, servers, and application logic to process data, manage user authentication, and perform various tasks that contribute to the application's functionality.

Key aspects of backend development include:

  • Server Management: Setting up and maintaining servers to handle data requests and responses.
  • Database Management: Designing and managing databases to store, retrieve, and manipulate data.
  • API Development: Creating Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to enable communication between frontend and backend components.
  • Security: Implementing measures to protect data and ensure secure user interactions.
  • Business Logic: Writing code to handle complex application logic and perform calculations.

Frontend and backend development go hand in hand to create cohesive applications. While frontend developers focus on delivering a user-friendly interface, backend developers ensure that data is processed securely and efficiently. The two components work in tandem to provide a seamless digital experience for users.

What do you learn?

A software engineering course would typically teach you the skills you need to confidently navigate through both frontend and backend development. This would generally include:

  • Introduction to web fundamentals and project management.
  • Frontend development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.
  • Backend development: Node.js or Python / Django.
  • Version control with git.

Are you looking to become a software engineer? If you're passionate about technology and enjoy solving complex problems, this rewarding career path could be the perfect fit for you.

Check out the software engineering courses available on CoursePilot - the platform that provides honest reviews and valuable resources for aspiring tech professionals.


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